“In 2001, I had the good fortune to partcipate in a seminar on the Inner Judge held by Avikal. During that weekend, a new sound, from somewhere within me was released. A desire to explore what had happened began to move and the taste of a new truth appeared from the depths of the “old” me. Since then I’ve continued on this path and this has brought me, over the years, an ever increasing harmony with myself and the world around me. At the same time, I feel I am always at the beginning of something new in this art of exploring the vastness of my inner world.”

Susan Craig
Nurse Coordinator, Counselor and Docent


“Ten years have passed since I first met Avikal. Somebody talked to me about an intensive program. I don’t exaggerate when I say that my first seven days Satori totally changed the awareness of myself and of my life. The understandings I had during and after the retreat showed a kind of quality and of clearness I had never known before.”
Giancarlo Ghidesi
CEO REM Tech, Italy


“My introduction to Avikal was a one-on-one session a few months after my partner died suddenly. Avikal’s total presence gave me permission to show my confusion and grief, and he delivered simple and effective support. I have since completed the Satori Retreat and other Integral Being workshops. The first Satori was a delight, applying the technique diligently I encountered myself! Subsequent workshops enabled a deeper and more mindful approach to self-inquiry and self-realisation. Avikal’s authenticity, integrity and commitment to this valuable work is unequivocal.”
Shiree Thomas
Recruitment Consultant, Australia


“Every time I have done ‘Satori’ , it was like an entrance door to remind myself, what it is that really gives my life meaning and depth, which I easily tend to forget in my busy daily working schedules. Being guided by the different koans is like pulling all the curtains aside, which are blocking the way for me to really look inside. As a Medical Doctor , mostly busy with problems of other people, in the beginning it is always a bit of a struggle for me to turn my focus inwards and face whatever is there. Just as in real life, moving through all the blissful ups and the depressing downs, at one point the balance of not being identified with the ups nor with the downs unfolds like an inexpressible relaxation.'”
Berthold Wehner
MD, Germany


“‘I was a Police officer for over twenty years and during this time I have seen aspects of life that would both shock and amaze most people. I would have said that I had seen and experienced pretty much all there is to know with affairs of human nature. The Satori Retreat gave me the direct experience of profound self-inquiry that somehow made sense of my previous life’s purpose and what I now call my ‘new awakened life’s purpose’. I feel I can continue to serve humanity from a place of higher consciousness. The rewards from the Satori Retreat show up daily in my life and I am continuously grateful for the connection to myself and my fellow human beings. I thoroughly recommend this retreat to anyone who feels that there must be more to life.’ ”
Tony Brown
Byron Bay, Australia


“Experiencing Satori, Inner Judge and Essence work firsthand has given me a strong, yet flexible centre from which to live more naturally, being open to all life offers. It is so refreshing, without the daily stress Mind was subjecting me to. The natural progression to indulge my curiosity and growing love for this way of being was to become a facilitator. It has been precious time well served. I wholeheartedly recommend this grounded and practical work for anyone wanting to get to the heart and truth of who they really are.  ”
Jayana C. McMahon
Trainer, Australia


“In this moment I can say that all past direct experiences of Myself, that were scattered in time and space are coming toghether, simply falling to This Moment, forming a playfull mosaic of colors, sounds and tastes. I feel as I have always been here, I feel I am Home. There is Thankfulness, there is Love. And there is great challenge; how to live this experience in the world, to discover the way of living in the world, to keep discovering? What is Another? each and every Moment. Thank you for this transmission. I have shared my Satori experience with some of my close friends who are going to come next year and I feel that through sharing my experience it becomes stronger and more palpable every time I speak about it. And finally, after a long time I feel relaxed and ready to laugh with people around me, I feel this funny guy emerging from inside (this very much reminds me of blissfull moments in my childhood). ”
Stipe Vitaljic
Skipper, Croatia


Here you can find more than a hundred videos on many subjects covered in courses and training: love, intimacy, enlightenment, personality, addictions, soul, support, vulnerability, inner judge, liberation ...





09/11/2024 - 16/11/2024

Arrival Nov 09 till 4pm / Departure Nov 16 after 2pm

Osho Nisarga, Dharamsala India


Anjee yes@oshonisarga.com