THE GREAT WAY. Provisions for the Journey. Living and practicing Awakened Consciousness in everyday life.

It is time to change speed, depth and amplitude and adapt our understanding of Spiritual Awakening to the post-modern reality we live in.

Ancient and worshipped canons of classical mysticism are useful in a very limited way and, at most, they can help to be a little more present, more centered, less conflicted, les reactive, more understanding, but rarely they give access to spiritual awakening.
As a Zen master used to say, awakening is an accident and practice can only make us more prone to the accident. But, it has to be necessarily so?

Perhaps this has been true for many centuries but does it have to be true still or something new and different is possible?
I have often stated that Enlightenment is non an abstract goal at the end of the journey but rather the most powerful and dynamic force that moves the Kosmos, In this phase of evolution enlightenment is not anymore only an individual possibility but also a collective one as well.

Spiritual awakening is in fact something that we often experience in our day to day life that nourishes our souls and actualizes our potential, even when we are not aware of it.

Is it possible to participate with passion, intention, love and efficiency to our own awakening? How do we do that? Is it possible to practice FROM Awakened Consciousness rather that FOR waking up?

This teaching is for people who are sincerely interested in awakening and ready to let go of the attachment to dark egoic compulsions,  to old habits of resistance and contraction, old paradigms and holy cows and are open to realize, own and claim their uniqueness and awakening. NOW.

Freedom and the Five Steps of Conscious Evolution

Am I free? And, what does it mean to be free? Is it perhaps the capacity to make choices as implied in the ‘Freedom of Choice” concept, or it is something different and much vaster?
And how do identification with my personality structure and with my past impede a real and concrete understanding of relative and absolute freedom? What does it mean to become an adult and completely own all dimensions of freedom and responsibility?

A basic and effective map that addresses our potential and support our intention and capacity to take charge of our lives and embody freedom consciously interweaving these steps:
Waking Up
Opening up
Growing Up
Cleaning Up
Showing Up.

Giving ourselves the possibility to participate with passion, brilliancy, joy and especially creativity in our personal evolution as well as in the collective one.

Fundamental understandings and practices to integrating spirituality in everyday life.



How can we recognize ourselves in the intimacy of diversity and go beyond the separation that has existed for centuries between women and men?

The Feminine/Masculine polarity is at the center of the manifestation of Being. As long as we see this polarity as opposites, conflict is inevitable and with it suffering and a fundamental impossibility of personal and collective growth. It is your task, mine, ours, to change perspective and recognize the fundamental interdependence in diversity, to support open, revealing, courageous, nurturing, joyful, creative, communication and expression infused of our Radical Candor.
Beyond separation, beyond personal history, beyond wounds and conditioning, we align ourselves in the understanding and embodiment of unconditional love.

This meeting is dedicated to personal and collective exploration, understanding and communicating the deep currents that cross us in our relationship with the opposite sex. The difficulties, resistances, joys, deep yearnings that move us and determine our feelings and behaviors day after day.

We give ourselves the opportunity to Be True, authentic and sincere, in touch with ourselves and with the field of collective awareness that we create together. A leap into a dimension beyond our known, beyond the past and old concepts and inhibitions, a leap into a WE that includes instead of separating, that celebrates diversity and recognizes its abundance. A leap into allowing you to be ALL that you are.

No previous experience is needed




Desiring is the more obvious manifestation of our life force. It is what moves us to evolve, to search; it is what empowers our curiosity, passion and transcendence.
Desire is condemned and scorned by all great religions in name of chastity, renunciation, humility and, at the same time, it is reinforced and idealized when it has to do with desiring paradise, the connection with the divine, enlightenment or, in society, success, wealth, power…
We are often confused and blocked in the grip of conflicts within and without, of shame and compulsion, self-castration and excess.

In these days we will explore our associations and prejudices about desire and how by going out towards HAVING we strive to quench the thirst for BEING. Our thirst for completeness. Our thirst for fulfillment and satisfaction. A thirst that might take us away from scarcity and open the doors to abundance in all dimensions.
We want to reconnect with the very source of desire, that source that is free from concepts, past, karma, idealizations.

“Desire has not to be destroyed, it has to be purified. Desire has not to be dropped, it has to be transformed. Your very Being is desire: to be against it is to be against yourself and to be against all”

No previous experience is needed


We look in new and deeper ways into the basic steps of liberation from the judge and the effects these steps have on ourselves and the people around us.
We face the issue of authority and our relation to it, both the external and the internal one; we inquire into the issue of loyalty to different authorities: family, religion, nation, teachers, ideals etc. and the results that this loyalty produces in daily life.
We explore how our reactivity binds us to an infantile dimension capable only to experience authority as external. We recognize our capacity and natural intelligence in discriminating between the true authority and the false, egoic and narcissistic one.
And, most of all, we begin to recognize and honor our Natural Authority as we explore its symptoms, facets and ways to support it.


Here you can find more than a hundred videos on many subjects covered in courses and training: love, intimacy, enlightenment, personality, addictions, soul, support, vulnerability, inner judge, liberation ...